Sunday, January 3, 2010

Conversation with God...

I was once again attempting to use my "rational mind" to understand my Inner-most conflicts, and was (once again) perpetuating the self-analytical cycle of the intellect (The Ego's Last Stand). Primarily, my concerns have been about my own inability to confidently walk into the world with a sense of territory or self-contained leadership. Always, I have rejected the world, as my childhood conditioning taught me to fear the unexpected disaster that could be awaiting me at the next turn. And, up until now, I have accepted this understanding of life, which has led me down dis-ease, dis-harmony, and fear. So, I decided to ask god (myself) a couple questions. Below is our brief conversation...

Me (as Jamil): Why do I fear rejection, fear the world, and seem to not approve of myself sometimes? How can I be more in Union with you?

Me (as divine intelligence): Don't see ME rejecting YOU through THEM. Instead, see ME appreciating THEM through YOU. Don't see ME creating misery in the world for YOU, see ME experiencing the divine adventure in this world through YOU. Don't see YOU rejecting ME by looking at YOU, see ME appreciating MYSELF through YOU. Then you will already be in Union with ME... as you are NOW.

Me (as Jamil): Well, God damn, that was Deep...

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