Monday, December 28, 2009

The Na'vi...

Are an imagined species of hominid in James Cameron's new film, "Avatar". I watched the movie, and enjoyed how the Tao once again displayed the paradox of blatant racist colonialism juxtaposed with spiritual practices that, if utilized, would actually transcend racism. Interestingly enough, I was flipping through some of my old writings and came across a quote a friend of mine wrote:

"Socialism is a euro-centric corruption of pre-exisiting indigenous culture values and practices"

I couldn't help but think of this in context to some of my friends who are flag-waving Socialists, and yet lack the spiritual integrity to manifest their Utopian fantasies. In that light, I would like to share with you an article I read on 'wikiHow' that explains the traditional practices of the Na'vi depicted in the film. I was impressed, and inspired by their naturally in-tune lifestyles. Here are the qualities of "How to Be Like a Na'vi"

  1. Love your God. The Na'vi people worship Eiwa, it is considered conneced to the whole of their land, they believe that all energy is borrowed from Eiwa. Their daily life circulates around the ways of Eiwa. If you aren't religious, remember to stay spiritual
  2. Be Active. Na'vi people are very strong, agile and coordinated.
  3. Strengthen yourself. They hunt very often and are always moving, for survival. Build up your body to top standard.
  4. Get in Touch with Nature. Again, the Na'vi people are very close to their land, and find it the most important thing to them. Protect the land, make it one of your main priorities to keep Earth and it's animals healthy. Our Earth is beautiful.
  5. Lean the Language. If you want to get extreme you may learn the language. It is called 'Na'vi' (easy to remember!)
  6. Be Wise. Think about your future and how your actions effect others.
  7. Don't take it too seriously. The most important thing to do is remember, you are a human, and the Na'vi aren't real. The movie Avatar has many lessons, and can teach the human race many things, make sure you watch it.
I like those....

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